IRP ADOPTS FULL RECIPROCITY & RENTAL AMENDMENTS Voting closed yesterday on this year’s proposals to amend the International Registration Plan. A change to the Plan requires a three-quarters vote...
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Oct, 13
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Effective July, 2013, the Oregon Department of Transportation implemented restrictions to the number of temporary passes a motor carrier can purchase in a 12 month period as required by...
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Aug, 13
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The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) recently completed a safety impact analysis on the Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP). FMCSA evaluated transportation companies that used PSP to screen commercial...
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Jun, 13
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CVSA (Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance) Roadcheck is one of a series of activities that occur year round whereby CVSA certified inspectors conduct compliance, enforcement and educational initiatives targeted at various...
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May, 13
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The new hours of service rule changes creates an ideal time frame or “sweet spot” of when a driver must begin his 34 hour off duty reset and be...
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May, 13
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